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我是今年剛要升大四的學生 可是我升大四那一年要到國外做交換學生 今年2009/09/14出國 大概2010的六月或七月會回台 我想報考長榮空服~可是規定要應屆畢業的樣子 我怕來不及 請問 1.那我回台時~我算是應屆畢業生吧? 2.我回台時來的及報考嗎? 3.要是來不及我還有機會再報考嗎?例如他們之後還有一次~我有資格可以報考的(是空勤還是地勤? 4.如果要報名~要去哪報名?
1. 是。 2. 來不及。 長榮是在3月份舉行初試(2008時),一共有五關, 約耗時近3個月。 除非你都能買機票回台應考。 3. 來不及了就來不及了。長榮二招真的只能說可遇不可求, 資格一定是有,只是看有沒有機會。 4. 長榮一向是以網路登記報名的,請鎖定 https://www.evaair.com/html/b2c/chinese/global_tools/hire/Job_Openings/crew 並在https://eservice.evaair.com/EVAE/chinese/Evaea010.aspx 登錄履歷。 (我是建議在開缺開始登錄,不然容易當成過期的履歷不收) 我是覺得得失心真的真的不要太重, 有人考了好幾年都沒考上, 有人一考就上了。 如果你覺得因為想考長榮放棄交換的機會, 我要千萬打消你的念頭, 因為明年長榮會不會開缺都還是未知數。 如果開了,而你卻沒辦法應試, 也別覺得錯了,人生際遇就是這樣, 說不定因此你找到更適合你的未來。 加油!
您期待已久的 8891休閒城 熱烈開幕囉! 8891遊樂城以優質的服務領先業界 多位美女客服24小時即時線上為您服務! 8891投注站有優於市面所有台灣運彩遊戲的 賠 ~ 率 以及免下載美女 百家樂、21點、骰寶、各國賓果、餐廳賓果、彩球遊戲 另有數百位真人視訊聊天辣妹與您進行互動聊天還有"精彩"電影喔! 心動了嗎!! 快來體驗市面上最完質最高品質的服務 現在有開放免費試玩喔! 官網 : 8891.NET|||||1. sure , you are 2. depend on EVA's recruitment day of flight attendant. according to EVA's recruitment day in past, it always held in May or June. but, 2 years in a row EVA did not hold any recruitment campaign, because the economic status is in decline. May be you could argue me that Taiwanese and Chinese relationship is in increase and to open direct flight . Even if nobody knows EVA's would hire more employees (include flight attendant) 3. maybe you can or not, depends on EVA's policy. nobody knows whenever you can. According to their policy,EVA prefers to hire college graduating students in graduated year 4. this is prone to do . You always keep your eyes on EVA's website.you just apply for on its website. other suggestions 1. do you understand what flight attendant's responsibilities are? 2. this is a difficult to do . EVA's corporate culture is different between others. It has really conservative culture. you have to overcome.
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